What are the facts and figures on refugees in Switzerland and the world? Get the key statistics here.
9,709 asylum applications by refugees were received in 2020 in Switzerland - according to UNHCR.
Most of them came from Eritrea, Afghanistan and from Turkey.
A total of 9,043 decisions have been made on initial applications. Which were around 60% answered positively. 40 percent of asylum applications have been rejected in the first instance. Most successful have been the applications of refugees from Yemen and from Djibouti.
Statistical Concept and Methodology: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) collects and maintains data on refugees in their Statistical Online Population Database. The refugee data does not include Palestinian refugees residing in areas under the mandate of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). However, the Palestinian refugees living outside the UNRWA areas of operation do fall under the responsibility of UNHCR and are thus included in the Statistical Online Population Database. Refugees are an important part of migrant stock. The refugee data refer to people who have crossed an international border to find sanctuary and have been granted refugee or refugee-like status or temporary protection. There are three main providers of refugee data: governmental agencies, UNHCR field offices and NGO
Information provided by IndexMundi.com
Asylum applications of foreign refugees in Switzerland
The total number of initial and continuing applications refers to the year 2020. Please note that the number of decisions (acceptations or rejections) does not have to sum up with the number of applications, because there may still have been open cases from previous years. Also they dont have to be closed within the same calendar year. In addition, asylum procedures can also be closed, if the applicant disappeared or withdrew the application.
Information is provided by world data.com
World Total Population
Total refugees
Data sources: UNCHR Refugee Data, UN Population Data
Syria 6,688,996
Afghanistan 2,594,702
South Sudan 2,189,141
Myanmar 1,103,154
Congo 839,908
Somalia 814,425
Sudan 787,731
Central African Republic 641,912
Eritrea 521,925
Burundi 372,807
Nigeria 352,930
Iraq 333,286
Vietnam 316,707
Rwanda 245,568
Colombia 189,845
China 188,144
Venezuela 171,098
Mali 164,589
Ethiopia 151,310
Sri Lanka 142,700
Iran 134,738
Pakistan 133,119
Western Sahara 116,926
Azerbaijan 101,510
West Bank 100,317
Turkey 93,589
Cameroon 78,540
Russia 52,535
El Salvador 45,640
Mauritania 37,941
Ukraine 34,881
Honduras 34,473
Yemen 33,340
Guinea 26,826
Egypt 26,586
Haiti 25,659
Guatemala 24,559
Bangladesh 18,987
Niger 18,874
Libya 17,530
Burkina Faso 15,763
Albania 15,536
Mexico 15,408
Senegal 14,004
Ghana 13,877
Indonesia 13,037
Republic of the Congo 12,517
India 12,423
Cambodia 11,891
Gambia 10,601
Armenia 10,490
Chad 10,483
Cuba 8,925
Nicaragua 8,711
Zimbabwe 8,601
Angola 8,246
Togo 7,703
Nepal 7,492
Bosnia and Herzegovina 7,491
Kenya 7,447
Uganda 7,379
Georgia 7,344
Bhutan 6,808
Laos 6,681
Croatia 5,781
Sierra Leone 5,749
Lebanon 5,490
Algeria 4,688
Hungary 4,617
Morocco 4,484
Liberia 4,259
Uzbekistan 3,080
Belarus 3,060
Kyrgyzstan 2,875
Peru 2,854
Kazakhstan 2,667
Jamaica 2,518
Jordan 2,484
Djibouti 2,444
Mongolia 2,284
Tajikistan 2,224
Moldova 2,203
Saudi Arabia 2,024
Ecuador 1,704
Tunisia 1,653
Guinea Bissau 1,643
Brazil 1,588
Kuwait 1,442
Slovakia 1,368
Romania 1,358
Malaysia 1,078
Poland 925
COM 793
VCT 742
LCA 731
Tanzania 709
Chile 694
North Korea 694
Benin 661
Dominican Republic 590
Bolivia 580
BHR 554
Montenegro 545
The Bahamas 544
Bulgaria 525
Malawi 524
Fiji 516
Papua New Guinea 515
Turkmenistan 507
South Africa 494
Philippines 490
Namibia 467
Gabon 459
Israel 398
United States of America 369
Trinidad and Tobago 297
Madagascar 283
Estonia 277
Guyana 277
Zambia 269
BRB 245
Costa Rica 233
Botswana 206
MUS 191
United Arab Emirates 191
Thailand 182
Equatorial Guinea 170
South Korea 156
Latvia 153
Argentina 139
Paraguay 119
ATG 118
Greece 95
Mozambique 91
Canada 85
Panama 85
MDV 83
Belize 78
Germany 76
Italy 72
GRD 70
Lithuania 68
United Kingdom 67
Netherlands 61
DMA 60
KNA 54
Oman 52
Spain 52
France 49
SGP 42
Japan 40
Qatar 38
Solomon Islands 37
Australia 35
New Zealand 35
Austria 33
Belgium 33
Portugal 32
Slovenia 22
Brunei 20
Uruguay 20
Suriname 17
Cyprus 15
Lesotho 11
East Timor 11
Denmark 10
Iceland 10
Sweden 8
Ireland 5
Luxembourg 5
Norway 5
Switzerland 5

The total number of initial and continuing applications refers to the year 2020
Data is provided by World Data.com

Development of incoming asylum applications in Switzerland 2000 to 2020
The top line on the graph represents the total number of asylum applications (first applications + reviews). Below there are the number of recognized refugees (green) and the rejected applications (red).
*Data provided by world Data info & UNHCR
Development of incoming asylum applications in Switzerland 2000 to 2020
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